My Cultural Radar (Part 1 and 2)

The cultural snapshot I chose was of an actress I knew from some movie I once saw, her name is Hayley Squires.

Among the topics she chose to recommend, she recommended a BOOK called Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow, a Sam Fender CONCERT, and commented on her relationship with the singer's music, she recommended a TV SERIES, called The Bear, praising his work especially in the second season, He recommended an ARTIST that he particularly likes the expressiveness of his works, he recommended a MOVIE, called The Kitchen, where he was lucky enough to see the first version and he loved it, and his last recommendation was a SINGER called Self Esteem, commenting that she is his favorite artist since last year and that maybe she will be his favorite for a long time.


In the second part of your post, you have to write about 6 things that are on your cultural radar right now (it can be from any medium - video, website, song, movie, art exhibit, artist, building, TV show, anime, theater, book, place, etc.).

Try to write at least 30 words for each thing you write about. Leave a comment on my blog and on the blogs of at least 3 classmates.
